International Womens day

International Womens day

International Womens day

International Women's Day (and Month) is in full effect. A day celebrated round the world, a time to praise women from the past, present and future. A day where everywhere you look there will be some sort of announcement acknowledging the great wonders of women and their accomplishments.

However, my post is a little different today. I want to break through the noise. The pretentious praises of self preservation. Humans have a habit of making noise about things that are relevant at the time. Much like DE&I when the terrible incident of George Floyd transpired every company you could think of decided to spearhead an initiative to embark some form of change across diversity. The moment the idea of diversity started to be a figment of the imagination, we saw the great scale back of funding. I know you are thinking where exactly is she going with this?

Well here is where I am going. Let's cut out the bullshit. Are you truly an ally to women? Are you true with what you preach? Do you open doors for the next line of women or do you keep the door closed? Do you partake in the silo unspoken culture here in the UK otherwise known as the cool girls club? Do you really empower women? Do you believe in sisterhood and if so, what does that mean to you? I ask these questions as today is a day to reflect. Not just signpost a woman as it's a date in the calendar.

I celebrate every woman who has ever supported, encouraged, loved and held me accountable where it was necessary. Most importantly, I celebrate the memory of my Grandma, a beautiful Jamaican lady by the name Susan Elfreda Elson. She is the reason I am who I am today, she taught me the foundation of being a woman of purpose, a woman of principle but most importantly a woman of God. Thank you Grandma for letting me know it's ok to be me and may your memory continue to outpour through me and the actions I take as I navigate in this journey called life. #iwd2024