"Stupid Conversations"

"Stupid Conversations"

"Stupid Conversations"

Now ladies and gentlemen, this is exactly why I no longer participate in what I call 'stupid' conversations. I no longer entertain conversations with those who are in denial at the fact racism very much still exist in this country.

Let my rant begin. Watching the media be more concerned about photo blunders of Kate Middleton, than the fact a doner who supports the party running our country clearly has underlining hatred towards black women doesn't surprise me unfortunately. This is Great Britain. The country that pretends to be progressive but the people who have the power would prefer to sit on their hands instead of radically removing those who insist on justifying their hatred will forever perplex my mind.

I've been tired of this country and the people who run it. Let's be serious now Rishi is more concerned with receiving donations from these belligerent individuals and being featured in Grazia alongside his illustrious wife. Cough. Now, as a second-generation black British woman I am tired of these waves of anger, outrage, politically correct 'sorry' statements. WE ARE TIRED. Furthermore, we are not interested, the question here is this. Would this man be apologising had it not become public knowledge - the answer is no.

Black women face a variety of adversaries including but not limited to:

Boundaries - saying no - You are too assertive

Self-assured and confident - You are too sassy

Direct and honest - You are too aggressive

I could keep going but you get the picture here. For too long our voices have been oppressed and the handling of the Diane Abbott case again shows why I have little faith in our government. As for Mr. Speaker, he truly failed at his role - Diane’s voice did not get the recognition it deserved yesterday. Am I shocked? Absolutely not, the system has always been in favour of benefiting groups of people which doesn't include black women.

I sign off this post by saying this. To all my fellow sisters I see you, I appreciate you and just know we were wonderfully made in the image and likeness of our creator. To the true allies and the women who have the power to speak up and institute change. Please do.

Signed - unapologetically the not-angry black woman. 💅🏽

#blackwomenmatter #sorrynotsorry #adayinthelife